Getting to Dialogue: A Communication Primer

The road to couples heaven is paved with good communication. Donny Frank - marriage and family therapist - will lead you to that road, by empowering you with the 4 critical competencies you'll need to become a master communicator, and be in the best position to make your marriage great! This short, no-nonsense series is the precursor to our landmark course on communication. Contact Donny at dfranklmft@gmail with any questions, comments, or follow up.

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1 - Introduction to the Series

Tuesday May 04, 2021

Tuesday May 04, 2021

This introduction explains why communication is so important, what exactly is communication, and why it's so hard to “get to dialogue”

2 - Making Room for Others

Tuesday May 04, 2021

Tuesday May 04, 2021

This episode focuses on the first of the 4 core competencies - the ability to make room for others and accept them for who they are. It introduces the all-important “That’s ok workup!”

Tuesday May 04, 2021

This episode gives a quick overview for the upcoming set of episodes on the competency of self-awareness.

Tuesday May 04, 2021

This episode begins a 4-part discussion on the 2nd of the four core competencies - knowing yourself. We begin the discussion with a focus on our behavioral tendencies. We’ll introduce the 1-3-9 workup, a basic tool that runs through all the talks on self-knowledge. 

Tuesday May 04, 2021

In this episode, we are introduced to the first of 3 core influences that drive our tendencies and affect our overall performance - for better and for worse. Along the way, the 1-3-9 assumes a new identity as the low-tech, personal CT scan.

Tuesday May 04, 2021

This episode introduces us to core values, the second of three cause of our reactions, options, and decisions. 

Tuesday May 04, 2021

This episode focuses on the third and final cause that drives our tendencies - our negative character traits. This concludes the 4-part discussion on how to develop self-knowledge.

8 - Perspective Taking

Tuesday May 04, 2021

Tuesday May 04, 2021

This episode focuses on the third core competency - perspective taking. Along the way, it identifies the universal super-tendency to make meaning of everything that goes on around us, and how that tendency uses our core issues to create our personal and unique paradigm.

9 - Ownership

Tuesday May 04, 2021

Tuesday May 04, 2021

Owning up is the fourth and final core competency. This episode challenges couples to stop blaming and start taking responsibility for their behavior. A pivotal story leaves listeners with a mantra that represents the mindset of winners.

10 - Wrap Up

Tuesday May 04, 2021

Tuesday May 04, 2021

This summary pulls together all four of the core competencies, and identifies the single core character trait that underlies them all.
At this point... it's straight ahead to dialogue! Looking forward to seeing you at that landmark course!

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